Migrating Company Directory module to LISE This tutorial will give some assistance porting your Company Directory content to the LISE module, an otherwise time consuming job. 
Tips, tricks and tutorials to make it even easier to work with CMS Made Simple. CMSMS is an open source Content Management System. It provides website developers with a simple, easy to use utility to allow building websites. Moving CMS Made Simple module content to LISE A series of tutorials that will give some assistance porting your third party module content to the LISE module, an otherwise time consuming job. FormBuilder WatchGuard Having trouble with the FormBuilder module for CMS Made Simple and need some help troubleshooting? This small User Defined Tag will help you. The LISE module The LISE (short for List It Special Edition) module by JoMorg allows you to create lists that you can display throughout your website. A versatile module that you really have to try and see its many options! Redirect all incoming URL's to the correct canonical URL There are multiple URL's to open a page at your website, this might have a bad influence at your SEO status and Analytics results.
Tips, tricks and tutorials to make it even easier to work with CMS Made Simple. CMSMS is an open source Content Management System. It provides website developers with a simple, easy to use utility to allow building websites. Moving CMS Made Simple module content to LISE A series of tutorials that will give some assistance porting your third party module content to the LISE module, an otherwise time consuming job. FormBuilder WatchGuard Having trouble with the FormBuilder module for CMS Made Simple and need some help troubleshooting? This small User Defined Tag will help you. The LISE module The LISE (short for List It Special Edition) module by JoMorg allows you to create lists that you can display throughout your website. A versatile module that you really have to try and see its many options! Redirect all incoming URL's to the correct canonical URL There are multiple URL's to open a page at your website, this might have a bad influence at your SEO status and Analytics results.
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