Smarty Templating Basics
Previous article Next articleCMS Made Simple™ uses Smarty to build core and third party module templates. You can do *so much* with it, but you need to have some basic knowledge to start really using it to the fullest. In this tutorial I will give you an oversight of the most useful codes, including practical examples.
Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation (HTML/CSS) from application logic. This implies that PHP code is application logic, and is separated from the presentation.
This tutorial will always be "work in progress". I will add/change items when I see a related question at the forum or when I come across a problem/solution myself.
How to use
Assign a value to a variable
A variable can be a:
- string - a piece of text, "lorem ipsum"
- integer - a whole number, "34"
- double/float - a fraction, "32,16"
- boolean - true/false
Assign a value to a global variable
Assign multiple values to one variable
{$foo} will be ""
Only display variable when it has a value
<div class="bar">
Value: {$foo}
Only display content block when it is filled
{if !empty($content2)} <-- Means, if $content2 is NOT empty
<div id="content2">
Only display when variable is empty
<!-- $foo has no value -->
&& AND
|| OR
Always display in lower case
This is used to lowercase a variable.
'AbCdEf' will be 'abcdef'
'abcdef' wil be 'abcdef'
Always display in upper case
This is used to uppercase a variable.
'AbCdEf' will be 'ABCDEF'
'ABCDEF' wil be 'ABCDEF'
Capitalize words
This is used to capitalize the first letter of all words in a variable.
'abc def ghi' will become 'Abc Def Ghi'
Give a variable a default value
Rounding value
'20,23' will become '20'
Truncate value
Get a part of a variable
Return the portion of variable specified by the start and length parameters.
Price and format
Return the variable with two decimals and replace the dot for a comma.
The output will be 12.345,00 instead of 12345
Count values
{$b = '30'}
{$a + $b}
The output will be 90
Substract values
{$b = '30'}
{$a - $b}
The output will be 30
Multiply values
{$b = '20'}
{$a * $b}
The output will be 120
Divide values
{$b = '20'}
{$a / $b}
The output will be 6
Calculate percentage
{$total = '80'}
{math equation='part/total*100' part=$part total=$total assign='percentage'}
Result will be 25%
Comment Form
It stripped out my code so I guess there's nothing we can do here.
I'm taking a shot that maybe you can help me with this. I'm doing a site that has a mobile component. I'm using this UDT to detect mobiles:
Simple but works very well. In my template I put {mobiledetect} and bingo it changes to the mobile site. Problem is I don't want to use a peticular template on one of my menu items.
So in the template I put {if ! mobiledetect} blah blah blah{/if}
It always returns true. Whether it be a PC or a mobile. I'm close but not quite there.
Thanks in advance and I'd be glad to buy you a cup of Joe!
Thank you for the introducton!
Is there any chance to upgrade the current smarty version with the latest 3.x version in cmsms 2.1.5?