Hide your email address on CMSMS web pages
Previous article Next articleA prefilter file that will automaticly hide an email address at your CMS Made Simple™ site from email harvesting bots that scrap webpages, looking for email addresses.
This method is based on the protect_email prefilter posted in the CMSMS forum by Jean le Chauve.
It converts:
<a href="mailto:you@website.com?subject=Test">Send Mail</a>
<a class="test" href="mailto:you@website.com">Test</a>
<a href="mailto:You@Website.com" class="test">you@website.com</a>
into something like:
It doesn't convert excisting mailto Smarty tags:
How to use
Create a file named prefilter.hash_email.php and store it in the CMSMS [root_url]/assets/plugins/ folder.
The content of the file is:
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* https://www.cmscanbesimple.org/blog/hide-your-email-address-on-cmsms-web-pages
* File: prefilter.hash_email.php
* Type: prefilter
* Purpose: Automaticly hide email addresses found in the content
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function smarty_prefilter_hash_email($tpl_output, $smarty)
$result = explode(':', $smarty->_current_file);
if (count($result) > 0)
if ($result[0] != 'cms_stylesheet' AND $result[0] != 'stylesheet')
$patterns = array ('#<a.+href\s*=\s*["\']mailto:\s*([a-z0-9._-]+@[a-z0-9._-]{2,}\.[a-z]{2,4})\b\??[^"\']*["\'][^>]*>([^<]+)</a>#iU',
$replace = array ('{mailto address="$1" text="$2" encode="javascript"}',
'{mailto address="$0" text="$0" encode="javascript"}');
$tpl_output = preg_replace($patterns, $replace, $tpl_output);
return $tpl_output;
Comment Form
Fixed: PHP Warning: Parameter 2 to smarty_prefilter_hash_email() expected to be a reference, value given in /home/.../public_html/www.website.com/lib/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_runtime_filterhandler.php on line 57
Sadly it a small bug in core, introduced during the beta cycle.
You are the first one noticing it (just after release 2.2.2...)
Anyway fixed in SVN.
Will see if I can create a work around for this tutorial!
Does this no longer work as of cmsms version 2.2.x? Emails seem to be plain text after upgrading to 2.2.x. Thanks!