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UDT that outputs the current season
Previous article Next articleAt our community website I made a header with a changing photo of our village and the surrounding area. I made four folders with photos, one for each season. With a User Defined Tag I read the date and determine what season it is and set it in a Smarty string. With that I change the output of the photo gallery path.
In the CMSMS forum we discussed a similar UDT, I improved the code and will show it to you here.
How to use
Create a new UDT with the name "season" and the content:
$limits = array (
foreach ( $limits as $key => $value ) {
$limit = date('Y') . $key;
if ( time() >= strtotime($limit) ) return $value;
You can use this UDT in your page or template like:
Working example
The current season is: winter
Working example
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