Test templates without breaking the frontend

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You need to do some tests at your website, but you don't want to break the frontend for the visitors.
A simple solution using Smarty.

  How to use

Your current IP address is:
This way only you will see the template vars:

{if $smarty.server.REMOTE_ADDR == ''}

<!-- The template content -->

Another example, testing a module like CGFeedback without letting it show to the public.

<!-- The template content -->

{if $smarty.server.REMOTE_ADDR == ''}
  {CGFeedback key1=$foo key2=$bar}

This content is only visible at the frontend when you are logged in into the Admin, it is hidden for regular visitors.

{$uid = get_userid(FALSE)}
{if $uid > 0}

<-- The template content -->

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CMS Made Simple - Tutorials, Tips and Tricks - CMSMS

Test templates without breaking the frontend

  Article optimized for CMSMS 2.x

  Last tested in: CMSMS 2.2.19
  Last updated: 23-06-2018
  Comments: 2

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