Additional anti-spam feature in Gbook module

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The Gbook guestbook module for CMS Made Simple™ has a built-in anti-spam feature. It uses the b8 statistical (Bayesian) spam filter. At one of my websites where I use the GBook module I noticed spammers are getting more clever trying to by-pass the filter and it leaves me more work checking ham or spam...

I found a really simple method to hide and show the form. When there is no form, a bot can't fill it in...

  How to use

Open the guestbook content page in the Admins page-editor and set WYSIWYG off in the Options tab.
Replace the GBook tags with the following code:

{$showform = $smarty.get.showform|default:''}

{if $showform == '1'}
  {Gbook|replace:"{root_url}/guestbook":"{root_url}/guestbook?showform=1" action='form'}
  <p><a href="{$page_alias}?showform=1" rel="nofollow">Show the form</a></p>


Note: Change the URL's in the code above to the one of your guest book page!

Basically it takes these steps:
  • Read the "showform" parameter from page URL
  • Only show the form when having the showform parameter in the page URL and the value is 1
  • If not show the message button, when clicked it reloads the page *with* the showform parameter
  • Show the current guest book entries

Afterwards you can always change the parameter name and/or the value. Or even set the date ( {$|date_format:"%e"} is now 14 ) as value, so it changes every day... Let your imagination run wild :)

  Working example

Show the form »

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  Comment Form


Note: your IP address will be stored on submit. I reserve the right to change or delete your response without notice! In case of abuse your IP address will be blocked!

GDPR privacy disclaimer
This form will send me your email address and your IP address.
If you don't want that, don't use this form!



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CMS Made Simple - Tutorials, Tips and Tricks - CMSMS

Additional anti-spam feature in Gbook module

  Article optimized for CMSMS 2.x

  Last tested in: CMSMS 2.2.19
  Last updated: 17-11-2020
  Comments: 13

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